Colocation in a secure and sustainable data center

Choose colocation in a data center that provides operational efficiency and reliability. We provide the highest security standard, global connectivity, optimal PUE and 100% RES.

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What is a colocation service?

Colocation is the rental of a technical environment in a professional data center (data hall) to securely maintain physical IT infrastructure.

The way data center-type facilities are designed, built, and technologically backed up allows us to ensure physical, energy, and telecommunications security and guarantee optimal environment conditions for the operation of critical IT infrastructure. It is all necessary to keep the business safe and running smoothly (24×7).

Data center services at – colocation and dedicated infrastructure (click to zoom)

You can colocate your server hardware, arrays, or network equipment. If you don’t want to invest in own IT infrastructure , you can rent dedicated IT infrastructure and maintain it in the colocation space.’s colocation service and the technical environment in server chambers also provide customers with logistic space (warehouse, unloading dock and workshop area). In addition, you can always take advantage of complementary services, such as support from our experienced Service Desk and Smart Hands teams. Technicians are on duty in shifts, conducting rounds of server chambers and inspecting co-located equipment.

What is the scope of colocation service at

  • Space in’s professional data centers (Data Center 1 and Data Center 2) for the installation and maintenance of cabinets with IT infrastructure, which are located in cubicles or server chambers, taking into account the requirements of access, security, design as well as environment conditions;
  • Electric power for uninterruptible power supply to IT equipment and maintenance of suitable environmental conditions. The energy is sourced 100% from RES.
  • Power supply guarantee provided by 2 independent primary paths (2N) protected by 2 secondary paths in the form of DRUPS/UPS and generators to eliminate any SPOF (Single Point of Failure) in the energy path to the IT equipment;
  • Environment conditions in accordance with ASHRAE standards, i.e. temperature in the range: 18-28°C and relative humidity in the range of 25-65%;
  • Connectivity – access to an extensive suite of telecommunications services (internet, networks, links);
  • Physical security – 24×7 infrastructure monitoring, 24×7 physical security presence in the data center, periodic business continuity testing, access control, and CCTV monitoring;
  • Unrestricted (24×7) access to colocated equipment upon prior notification, including access to social, office, workshop and storage facilities;
  • Smart Hands – 24×7 technical support for IT infrastructure colocated at;
  • SLA – 100% for power supply and 99.999% for cooling.

Colocation options - choose the optimal option for your business

Dedicated suite

Rent of an entire server chamber exclusively for the colocation of the IT equipment of a single company with separate physical access, cooling and power systems.’s standard server chambers have the following parameters:

  • area: ~200 m2, which allows colocation of about 100 600×1200 cabinets (depending on the arrangement),
  • ability to support IT equipment with total power: ~500 kW (with an expansion option),
  • height of colocation chambers: 6,56 m,
  • ability to manage power strips (PDUs) in its cabinets.

The arrangement and equipment of the server chamber is customized according to the customer’s needs. Still, the most common is the arrangement of cold and warm aisles (CACS) with structured cabling routing over the cabinets, which does not interfere with the cooling airflow of the IT equipment.

Private Cage

Rent of a physically separated part of the chamber in the data center, which is dedicated and customized for individual customer needs. It is a professional environment for the colocation of IT devices, including standard space for 24  cabinets. It can be separated from the entire chamber by a metal cage built for this purpose, which separates the client’s cabinets from the rest of the shared space or possibly a kiosk (with corridor development).

The design of the construction, arrangement and parameters of the box are adjusted to a dedicated specification. The customer can manage power strips (PDUs) in their cabinets as part of the service.

Cabinet Colocation

Colocation of the corporate IT infrastructure in a shared server compartment in  47U  cabinet. The cabinet has a specific power limit calculated in kW based on the actual consumption by the colocated devices.

The service is also available in MMR (Meet-Me-Room) rooms.

RU Colocation (Rack Unit)

Colocation of single servers and arrays in 47U  cabinet. It is situated in shared chambers with guaranteed environment conditions and power supply and in MMR (Meet-Me-Room) rooms designed for telecommunications operators.

Comparison of colocation options in


Rack Unit Cabinet Private Cage Dedicated Suite
Unit size RU (Rack Unit) Cabinet47U sq. m sq. m
Individual zone with private access × × YES YES
Metered power × YES YES YES
Single phase power supply YES
10A fuse
32A fuse
Three phase power supply × YES
3x32A fuse
Energy billing by meter × YES YES YES
Electronic access control system × on request on request on request

Why choose colocation at

Highest level of colocation security

We provide colocation based on market-proven technologies from reputable global suppliers, and data centers with the highest security standards. Data Center 2 is the only data center in the EU with the highest level of security confirmed by two independent bodies: the ANSI/TIA-942 Rated 4 certification and the EN 50600 Class 4 standard. The facility is a "fault-tolerant infrastructure". It has had 100% uptime since its commissioning in 2016.

Exceptional energy efficiency

We use an energy-optimized data center infrastructure to minimize consumption of the energy required to operate the facility. At the Data Center 2 the PUE ratio at full capacity utilization is 1,2. This outcome is unattainable for private server rooms or even most professional data centers.

Business continuity and SLA

Two independent power supply and backup power systems, as well as redundancy of carrier links minimize the risk of unavailability to corporate resources colocated at Data Center 2 has had 100% uptime since its launch in 2016. We guarantee 100% SLA for power and 99.999% for cooling.

Availability of hybrid and multi-cloud environments

For many years, we have been providing clients with a hybrid infrastructure maintenance model i.e. we combine and maintain IT environments that use cloud, colocation, and leased, dedicated hardware. This is an increasingly popular model of IT operations in organizations of all sizes these days. Thanks to our experience, all these elements can be maintained under our roof.

Connectivity and carrier neutrality is Poland's first carrier-neutral data center. The two Poznan facilities are connected by their own fiber-optic ring. Customers can choose from more than twenty domestic and international operators (Tier 1). Cooperation with guarantees fast data transfer from anywhere in the world, thanks to the developed telecommunication infrastructure.

Compliance with demanding industry standards

Colocation of your IT environment in's professional data centers simplifies the need to meet standards imposed by the law, industry regulations, or corporate guidelines to a minimum. has ensured that its data centers and services meet stringent certifications and standards such as ANSI/TIA-942 Rated 4, EN 50600 Class 4, ISO 27001, PCI DSS Certificate of Compliance, SOC 2 (Type 1 and Type 2), ISO 14001.

ograniczenie śladu węglowego

Sustainable IT services is Poland's first data center campus to be powered by 100% renewable energy. We operate one of the most energy-efficient data centers in the region (PUE of 1,2), and we operate following the ISO 14001 environmental standard. Sustainability is a part of our DNA. We implement many ESG projects, including heat recovery, reduction of water consumption, and we are the first Polish member of the Climate Neutral Data Center Pact.

Learn more about the our data centers where we offer the colocation service Data Center 1

Space: 800 sq. m. Poznan, Polwiejska 42 Street

Find out more Data Center 2

Space: 12 000 sq. m. Poznan, A. Kreglewskiego 11 Street

Find out more

Clients of colocation services at



Diagnostyka S.A.


Pepco klient

Pepco Polska


Castorama klient



KIP S.A. klient

Krajowy Integrator Płatności



Wielkopolski Bank Spółdzielczy




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