Report an infringement

At, the conformity with legal regulations and internal rules is our first priority. As we fully understand that mature business is based on Honesty and Compliance, we adopted a Code of Ethics and a set of rules that govern the reporting of infringements and protection of persons who report infringements (Whistleblowers).

We examine every report carefully and follow up on all such reports. We guarantee confidentiality, anonymity and protection against reprisals to persons who report infringements.

We seriously regard all information on infringements, regardless of whether it comes from our employees, business partners, customers, or third parties.

We provide the following internal infringement reporting channels:

  • Electronic communication – a dedicated e-mail address:, handled only by the Representative for Ethics and Anti-corruption Procedures,
  • Letters – correspondence sent to the Company’s address, subject to special administrative processing procedures, with the note: “Infringement Report” and:
    • “for the attention of the Representative for Ethics and Anti-corruption Procedures”, when reporting a standard infringement, i.e. an infringement that does not concern the aforementioned Representative, Member of the Management Board or a Member of the Supervisory Board,
    • “for the attention of the Management Board”, when reporting an infringement committed by the Representative for Ethics and Anti-corruption Procedures,
    • “for the attention of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board”, when reporting an infringement by a Member of the Management Board,
    • “for the attention of the Management Board”, when reporting an infringement by a Member of the Supervisory Board.
  • A personal meeting with the Representative for Ethics and Anti-corruption Procedures and a Member of the Management Board.

In order to maintain full anonymity, reports submitted electronically should be sent from a private e-mail address to make it impossible to identify the sender (particularly, the address should not contain their name or surname or any other data that identifies the person reporting the infringement). guarantees that it will make no attempts to establish the identity of Whistleblowers who decide to remain anonymous. Information Clause for Whistleblowers