Homepage Newsroom Press releases Beyond.pl becomes a member of the Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact Beyond.pl becomes a member of the Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact 12 February 2021 Data centers intend to reduce their CO2 emissions to zero by 2030. Beyond.pl becomes a member of the Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact. Accelerated digitalization will lead to an estimated 18% increase in data center power consumption by 2030. The Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact is directed towards ensuring that data center operators become climate neutral by 2030. Beyond.pl is the first Polish data center and cloud computing service provider to join this initiative. The Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact is a grassroots initiative of European data center operators and cloud platform providers, based on the principles of self-regulation. It is a response of the largest companies in the industry to the European Green Deal, an initiative of the European Commission thanks to which Europe is supposed to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, so as to ensure the contribution of the data center industry to the protection of our natural environment. The Pact is intended to help limit the carbon footprint generated by the data center industry and support activities within the scope of constructing environmentally friendly and climate-neutral infrastructure. To this date, 29 enterprises and 20 associations have signed the Pact. Beyond.pl, managing one of the most energy-efficient data center facilities in Poland, has become the first Polish member of the Pact. The high energy efficiency of the deployed infrastructure allows Beyond.pl to achieve a PUE ratio of below 1.2 in its Data Centre Campus in Poznan, Poland, while the average on the Polish market is 1.4-1.6. The facility is furthermore powered by 100% green energy. It is the first facility on the Polish data center market to feature an adiabatic cooling system, eliminating the traditional method of cooling racks with energy-intensive equipment. In addition, the heat generated by servers and other equipment in the data center chambers is recycled by Beyond.pl to heat its office and logistics and staging facilities located on the campus. – Considering that ensuring sustainable growth of our business and that of our customers is a value deeply inscribed in our DNA, joining this initiative was a natural step for us. We have been a front runner in the Polish market investing in world-class revolutionary green solutions. The environmental standards adhered to by Beyond.pl are on par with and even exceed those in Western Europe. This allows us to stand out vs the market in terms of our PUE ratio which is further enforced by 100% green energy. We consistently take conscious business decisions in order to ensure that we get as close as possible to being climate neutral. We are happy that Beyond.pl can represent the Polish data center industry in this undertaking, – underlines Wojciech Stramski, CEO of Beyond.pl. Ambitious objectives of the Pact According to research carried out by Mordor Intelligence, in 2020 the data center industry in the United States alone may have consumed up to 139 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity and emitted up to 147 million tonnes of CO2 to the atmosphere. This shows how significant of an impact data centers have on the global climate and why their energy efficiency matters so much. The participants of the Pact defined to limit their impact on the environment and reduce their energy consumption by setting high standards relating to energy consumption and have placed emphasis on introducing renewable energy sources as the primary energy source to drive data center operations. The pact assumes that: by 2025, 75% of the energy used by data centers will come from renewable energy sources; by 2030, this value will reach 100%; by 2025, newly established data centers in cool climates will achieve a PUE ratio of 1.3, and those in warm climates – 1.4; by 2030, these standards will be implemented by existing data centers; data centers will process and recycle their hardware and components. Green Europe The objectives and achievements of the Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact will be verified by the European Commission at least twice a year. According to research of the European Commission, date center energy demand will increase by over 18% from 2018 to 2030, constituting 3.2% of the total demand of the EU member states. In order for climate neutrality to become possible in Europe, it is indispensable to support the deployment of new technological solutions in the data center industry, such as more efficient cooling systems, systems ensuring the recycling of waste heat, or those based on renewable energy sources. – The European Green Deal aims to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. In this regard, we cannot let our electricity consumption go unchecked. A smarter and greener use of digital technologies are a key part in making sure Europe reaches its ambitious goal – says Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager, responsible for a Europe Fit for the Digital Age. Download press release: Data centers intend to reduce their CO2 emissions to zero by 2030. Beyond.pl becomes a member of the Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact. 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