XII Congress of the Electronic Economy with Beyond.pl

The XII Congress of Electronic Economy took place on 8 June in Warsaw. The event assembled representatives of public administration, business, financial and scientific circles.

To the debate were invited businesses and institutions whose activities directly influence the development of modern electronic economy in Poland. CEO of Beyond.pl Michał Grzybkowski was a participant in the discussion panel “The Electronic Economy of The Future.”

“Availability of resources and secure data processing are today the basis of electronic economy in the world,” says Michał Grzybkowski, CEO Beyond.pl. “Each of us wants our online accounts to be properly protected and accessible at all times. Contact with the financial industry is very important for Beyond.pl. Therefore, we do our best to participate in such events as the Congress of the Electronic Economy. We want to share our knowledge and get to know client expectations – all to provide the best service.”

The organizer of the event were the Polish Bank Association and the Banking Technology Forum. The Congress was held under the auspices of the Ministry of Digitalization and the Ministry of Development.