e24cloud.com for the CoderDojo Foundation

The international CoderDojo Foundation actively helps children in developing their technological talents. As part of corporate social responsibility Beyond.pl lets this organization use their servers for free.

During meetings organized regularly by the foundation in 13 Polish cities, mentors help children and teenagers to discover the fundamentals of programming, computer graphics and robotics in a less formal atmosphere than at school.

Among other things children create 3D games, mobile applications or websites. The foundation is inspired by the idea of searching for ideas about how to use new technology to solve everyday problems in a non-standard way.

It is not hard for the youngest to imagine that clouds will be found not only in the sky, but also in the world of technology. CoderDojo is based on a cloud computing. The foundation works with Beyond.pl free of charge at e24cloud.com.

“We are proud to cooperate with the partner who not only gives children a chance to acquire valuable skills, but also shows how creative and close to everyday life the IT industry can be,” says Tomasz Sobol, Marketing Director at Beyond.pl.

In 2017 the foundation would like to open ten new centers in Poland. In addition, it also participates in occasional events such as European Encoding Week. Thanks to the use of e24cloud.com, CoderDojo can develop and support more new initiatives.