A new e24cloud location! Cloud available in Data Center 2

Starting from the 19th of March, the clients of the public cloud – e24cloud will be able to create environments in a new location. The transfer of cloud computing resources of e24cloud from Warsaw to the Data Center 2 is due to the new legal regulations in Poland regarding personal data protection – GDPR/RODO.

The migration will enable better standards of data storage protection based on the own Beyond.pl infrastructure and its granted professional certifications – Rated 4 according to ANSI/TIA-942 and ISO 27001.

“The launching of the e24cloud in the Data Center 2 is simply a Beyond.pl path to grow. We want to use the potential of our new infrastructure, which is unbeatable in Poland when it comes to security to the maximum. We offer to our clients the possibility of creating their own virtual servers in less than 1 minute in one of the top data centers in Europe. This change will result in the quality level of the e24cloud service to increase,” says Bartosz Misiaszek, e24cloud Product Manager in Beyond.pl.

The benefits of migration for clients:

– possibility to create bigger virtual servers – up to 32 vCPUs and 96GB RAM,
– full responsibility of Beyond.pl for services provided and for technological solutions,
– possibility to launch a service in the Beyond.pl Data Center 2, which as the only data center in Central Eastern Europe has a security standard – Rated 4 according to ANSI/TIA-942,
– ensuring an uninterrupted performance thanks to modern and redundant solutions in regard to infrastructure (two emergency power supply systems),
– possibility of building two autonomous IT environments on the basis of two data centers of Beyond.pl connected by its own fiber optic ring.

Detailed data regarding migration and an instructional video are available on e24cloud.com/migracja. A technical support is provided by our specialists  at support@e24cloud.com.