HBR breakfast with Beyond.pl

Next HBR Polska business breakfast is going to take place on Wednesday 21 October at Warsaw Intercontinental hotel to explore the topic: “Business models for a new era and the growth you haven’t seen before.”HBR breakfasts are a series of events for senior managers, who gather to discuss current business affairs in an informal atmosphere. Among guests invited for the following meeting were Łukasz Polak, Vice President at Beyond.pl, and experts from Intel.


Digital world, mobility, “tsunami” of data… We’re living in challenging times. Times, when innovative business models will win.
In the era of dynamic technological changes, every opportunity to grow business involves considerable investment of time, effort and money. How to face technological changes effectively? Which to focus on? Which opportunities are the best?


The following topics are going to be discussed during the meeting:

• strategies adjusted to turbulent business conditions,
• Internet of Things, telematics, beacons… – new technologies and actual growth opportunities for Polish businesses,
• security and monetisation of collected and maintained data,
• innovations vs. operational projects – priorities in company growth, best practices.


The panel will feature:

• Witold Jankowski, PhD – editor-in-chief of HBRP and president of the ICAN Institute,
• Łukasz Polak – Vice President at Beyond.pl data center,
• Tomasz Klekowski – Director of Business Go-To-Market EMEA at Intel Corporation.

Discussion was chaired by Paweł Kubisiak, deputy editor-in-chief of “Harvard Business Review Polska”. You are most welcome!