Data Center 2 – Certificate of Conformance to ANSI/TIA-942 Rated 4 Data Center 2 as the first in the CEE region has been awarded the Rated-4 compliance verification certificate based on the requirements of the ANSI/TIA-942. Rating 4 is the highest standard of Data Center certifiation. 


ANSI/TIA-942 standard defines data center design and environmental guidelines, such as: room layout, wiring, reliability standards, security systems in place, mechanical and electrical systems, installation redundancy, and environmental issues.


Rated-4/Tier-4*: Fault Tolerant Site Infrastructure – A data center which has redundant capacity components and multiple independent distribution paths serving the computer equipment which all are active. The data center allows concurrent maintainability and one fault anywhere in the installation without causing downtime. It has protection against almost all physical events. Data Center has been independently assesed and found to conform to the requirements of:

  • Architecture: R4
  • Mechanical: R4
  • Electrical: R4
  • Telecom: R4

See the Certificate

