IT Environment Audit

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What is an IT Environment Audit?

An IT environment audit is a multidimensional analysis of a current IT environment, covering software, IT architecture, technical infrastructure, and network topology. The audit takes into account IT resources, processes, and security. The analysis can be general or targeted to a specific customer need. The product of the audit conducted by experts is a detailed report.

The main objective of the audit is to determine whether the client’s current IT environment properly addresses the organization’s business needs. The results of the report, depending on the need, can be the basis for implementing changes that will lead to the elimination of bottlenecks, increase the functionality of the IT process, optimize the efficiency of the infrastructure, or improve the security of the client’s IT.

What are the benefits of auditing IT environment?

Cross-sectional analysis of the entire IT area

The audit's scope covers all key IT areas, so it provides a comprehensive picture of the entire environment, including its strengths and possible weaknesses, regardless of its organizational or technical complexity.

Independent, expert assessment

Involving a specialized external team of IT experts with years of experience allows you to obtain an independent assessment of IT environment.


Quick access to specialized knowledge

An IT environment audit is a tool for obtaining quick answers to issues critical to planned or ongoing IT projects.

Ready-made plan of optimization or development activities

Based on the recommendations from the report, it is possible to carry out further work on the IT environment, allowing to optimize the IT environment, expand functionality by identifying potential development areas, improve IT security, and eliminate bottlenecks.

Audit of the IT Environment – project stages:

  • Audit objective
    Definition of the audit’s purpose, description of the business environment related to the IT environment being audited, and identified risks.
  • Audit scope
    Establishing the scope of the audit, i.e., the areas of analysis, the planned budget and schedule, and the anticipated involvement of and the client’s people.
  • Gathering knowledge
    Provision of available technical documentation by the client and interviews with client teams by the team.
  • Technical analysis
    Conduct reviews and technical verification in the areas covered by the analysis.
  • Report
    An audit report of two parts for the client. The first reflects the current state of the IT environment, considering both areas that are functioning well and those that require changes. The second part of the report concertedly focuses on optimization and development recommendations.
  • Discussion of results
    The workshop to discuss the audit results and provide the report to the client.

Why commission to perform an IT Environment Audit?

ikona technologie

Multiple technologies-one partner

For an audit purposes, we provide a broad range of expertise across layers and technologies - from cloud, hardware, and networking to IT security, systems (Linux, Windows), and services. For years, we have been working with industry leaders such as Intel, HPE, Dell Technologies, Microsoft, VMware, Google, Veeam, Megaport, Cisco, Fortigate, and Juniper. We provide services using solutions from proven and best-in-class vendors.

Proficiency in hybrid IT solutions

Complex architecture and diversity of IT environments are scenarios we are familiar with, as we have been providing hybrid infrastructure services to clients for many years - building and maintaining cloud environments, integrating them with dedicated infrastructure in's secure and third-party data centers, and maintaining the client's IT infrastructure locally (on-premise). We advise, design, and maintain IT services in many hybrid variants and scenarios.

Access to complementary services

In addition to a wide range of managed services, we offer various infrastructure services, such as colocation, dedicated infrastructure, and cloud solutions in any model (public, private, multi-cloud). We are experts in building and maintaining hybrid environments.

Many years of experience in the area of Managed Services

For more than 15 years, we have been ensuring continuity of our Customers’ businesses by monitoring and supporting them in the administration of IT environments in all necessary layers (hardware, virtualization, systems, networks etc.).

Elastyczność |

IT management and administration support 24/7/365

We have a team of experienced and certified IT engineers to support customers - from infrastructure, network, and virtualization layers to operating systems. We provide Help Desk services in a 24/7/365 model.

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Partnering with a responsible IT service provider is an IT service provider that takes proactive steps towards a sustainable business model. Our data centers are the first facilities in Poland powered by 100% renewable energy. They are energy efficient, i.e., consume less energy than competing centers (PUE 1.2 for Data Center 2). actively contributes to all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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