Sharing Christmas 2022

At, we know that helping makes all the difference, and the power to do good comes around twice as strong!

The ‘Sharing Christmas’ project was launched in 2020. Because of the ongoing pandemic, we couldn’t meet our clients and partners face-to-face to give them Christmas gifts. This is how we came up with the idea to allocate the Christmas budget to help those in need. At, the most important presents are the ones that cannot be unwrapped.


During the first ‘Sharing Christmas’ campaign in 2020, the ‘budget for presents’ was used to support the “mali bracia Ubogich” and the ‘Podaruj Wigilię’ project. Thanks to this, the elderly citizens most in need, especially those vulnerable to COVID-19, spent Christmas warmly and dignifiedly. Your positive feedback on the project has strengthened our conviction that this is the right course of action and an initiative worth continuing.


In 2021, we supported the Children’s Home in Pleszew. Our offer to help was met with indescribable surprise and joy. Ultimately, the donated funds were used to build memories and experiences – the youngsters could enjoy their winter holidays in the mountains. During their stay of several days, the kids conquered Sniezka Mountain along the Biały Raj and Kopa routes, saw Karpacz and the Wild Waterfall on the Łomnica River and the adits of the uranium ore mine in Kowary.


Although a year has passed since our first contact with the Children’s Home, we still remember the gratitude which they had for us then. Continuing to help the children was the natural decision. In this year’s edition of the “Sharing Christmas” project, together with you, we will once again fund their dreams of a white holiday.

Get to know the Children’s Home in Pleszew and the kids

The Children’s Home in Pleszew currently houses 28 children and youths aged 7 to 20. The institution strives to provide the children with all their current needs and pedagogical and psychological support. The overriding aim of the center is to prepare children to return to their families, find an adoptive or foster family and become independent adults. The youngsters also have the opportunity to develop their interests and participate in educational and artistic activities.


If you would like to support the wards of the orphanage in Pleszew, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the centre or make a donation to the following account:

Name: Pleszewskie Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Dzieci o Szczególnych Potrzebach Opiekuńczych „DOM”
Address: ul. Osiedlowa 1
63-300 Pleszew

Bank account: PL41 8407 0003 0007 5789 2000 0001

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Projects supported as part of the "Sharing Christmas" campaign