Global leader in Bare Metal and Private Cloud solutions selects for its colocation needs in Central Europe

Hivelocity, a leading global Bare Metal, and Private Cloud solutions provider offering servers on 7 continents has engaged for the provision of colocation and managed services needs in Poland. The cooperation is connected with a new blockchain project that Hivelocity is implementing in 30 locations, including Poland.

The cooperation entered into between the parties includes a comprehensive service stack comprised among others of colocation services, connectivity, and IT administration support. Hivelocity`s IT infrastructure is collocated in Data Center 2 on the campus– strategically located in the heart of Central Europe in Poznan, Poland. It is currently the most secure data center facility in the entire CEE region and one of only 3 data centers in all of the European Union to hold the internationally recognized ANSI/TIA-942 Rated 4. The facility brings the number of data centers from which Hivelocity provides private cloud and dedicated server solutions to 32.

– We were looking for a geographically diverse, yet cost-effective and well-connected location outside of Frankfurt, Amsterdam, London, and within the European Union. fully met our technical requirements. Moreover, in the course of their work, the technical teams proved that the quality of service at is comparable to that of the best providers in Western Europe. Our cooperation with has been marked by a high degree of professionalism since the very first contact with company representatives-  says Richard Nicholas, Senior Vice President of Corporate Development at Hivelocity.

The rollout of colocation and support services for Hivelocity was completed within just two months from the first contact between the companies. was responsible for a comprehensive onboarding of the client’s IT infrastructure into Data Center 2. Following the launch of the service Hivelocity has been utilizing’s colocation services, as well as the support provided by Smart Hands technicians, and connectivity solutions including global Internet services and cross-connect services.

An increasing number of international organizations are zeroing in on the Polish data center market. I’m glad that we are their first choice. I strongly believe that our market-leading security and service availability proposition, existing capacities stemming from the ongoing campus expansion in Poznan, our optimized connectivity offering, complemented by 100% renewable energy are all strong value propositions for our customers. I’m very grateful for the trust Hivelocity has placed in us and we will do everything to ensure that the cooperation develops dynamically supporting Hivelocity’s business growth – said Wojciech Stramski,’s CEO.

Investments in connectivity solutions that delivered last year all contributed to the cooperation with Hivelocity becoming possible. In March 2021, launched the Beyond East-West Corridor — a telecommunications corridor that allows for the establishment of connections between Poznan and Frankfurt with just 11 milliseconds of latency round trip. In August 2021, on the other hand, increased its international reach by entering into a partnership with Megaport. The global connectivity services provider now enables to set up direct and secure connections with data centers all around the world. As a result,’s customers have gained access to 700+ facilities operating within the Megaport ecosystem and multiple global cloud solutions.


About Hivelocity: Hivelocity provides bare metal cloud and edge computing solutions to thousands of businesses from over 130 countries worldwide. The Hivelocity platform enables users to instantly deploy bare-metal cloud servers in 32 edge locations in major cities across North America, South America, Africa, Europe, India, Asia, and Australia. Hivelocity’s robust API further enables customers to programmatically interact with and automate their bare metal cloud infrastructure using code by leveraging tools like Ansible and Terraform. More at:


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